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iCATS i-2-i in practice

About the project

In earlier iCATS projects, we worked with families and school staff to develop an ‘identification-to-intervention’ (i2i) procedure that can be delivered through schools to identify and support children with anxiety problems. We are coming towards the end of a large trial to find out if this approach works well for supporting children with anxiety problems.  

Beyond the trial, we know that we may need to make some changes to our procedures to ensure they work well when delivered in practice, outside of a research context. In particular, we are interested in whether ‘Mental Health Support Teams’ (MHSTs) can work with schools to deliver our i2i approach. 

In our ‘iCATS i2i in practice’ project, we will be talking to parents/carers, school staff and those that work with schools to provide mental health support for children to find out what changes we can make to our procedures to make sure they work well in practice, when delivered through MHSTs. 

Then, we will work with a smaller group of parents, school staff and MHSTs to agree the changes and produce a package of resources which can be used to deliver the approach in practice. ​ 

We hope that our findings will help others understand how to implement similar ‘identification-to-intervention’ approaches, for other common mental health problems in older and young children. 

Information (for schools, MHSTs/school staff, parents/carers)

You can download our information leaflet from this page. This has further information about the research and what will be involved for schools, parents/carers, and those who work within Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs).

Meet the team

Tessa Reardon
Principal Investigator
Alice Phillips Postdoctoral Researcher
Rosie Underhill Research Assistant

Contact us

This project is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR; NIHR206516).