Question: Is the OSI-GROWS project a research study?
Answer: No. The OSI-GROWS project is a service evaluation (rather than a research study). The University of Oxford will be contacting all trusts/organisations that are delivering OSI to set up a service evaluation so that the University of Oxford can download de-identified data from the OSI platform to evaluate the clinical outcomes and usage of OSI when it’s delivered in routine clinical practice. Individual teams do not need to do anything for the service evaluation, unless we contact you directly to ask for your support with this.
Question: Does the University of Oxford have permission to conduct a service evaluation?
Answer: Yes. Before using OSI, parents and clinicians are required to read and agree to the OSI Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. The OSI Privacy Policy states that anonymised data may be used for research purposes. In addition, we will be getting service evaluation approval from all participating trusts/organisations.
Question: Does my service need any other approvals in place to be involved in the OSI-GROWS project?
Answer: This depends on your service. It is individual teams’ responsibilities to ensure that any local approvals/individual service requirements for the use of an online intervention in routine clinical practice (i.e., outside of a research trial) are in place. Local approvals/individual service requirements vary from team to team but an example of a local approval that may be required to be in place for your team is a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment). Although it is individual teams’ responsibilities to ensure any approvals are in place, the OSI-GROWS team are happy to support teams with this process/answer any questions to help facilitate any approvals being in place.
Question: Can any team be involved in the OSI-GROWS project?
Answer: The OSI-GROWS project was offered to teams who participated in a recent research trial, however, we do consider the involvement of other teams on an individual basis – so please get in touch if you are interested.
Question: Can any clinician be involved in the OSI-GROWS project?
Answer: Any clinician in your team who supports families of children with anxiety problems can be involved in the OSI-GROWS project. Your team’s OSI clinic administrator will need to set up any new clinicians with an OSI account. If you are unsure who the clinic administrator is for your team, please get in touch. If you are the clinic administrator for your team, please see this section for guidance.
Question: Do new clinicians have to have OSI training?
Answer: Yes. Clinicians should watch our OSI training video which will support them to become familiar with the OSI platform before starting their first OSI case. We also run optional monthly training sessions that are free for clinicians to attend – information about the sessions and upcoming dates can be found here.
Question: Do I need to let the OSI-GROWS team know if I want to offer OSI to a family in my service?
Answer: No. As part of the OSI-GROWS project, you are able to offer OSI to any families in your service where this is deemed clinically appropriate. You can offer OSI to families as you would any other treatment in your service. You do not need to let the OSI-GROWS team know.
Question: Do I need to complete any extra administrative tasks as part of the OSI-GROWS project?
Answer: This depends on your service. OSI is designed so that all of the routine outcome measures (ROMs) and clinical notes are stored on OSI. If your service uses an Electronic Record System (ERS), then your service may require you to copy this information into your ERS. OSI has functions to facilitate this, for example, you can quickly download an Excel spreadsheet that has all of the ROMs data that can be uploaded to your ERS (see page 40 of the OSI manual, downloadable from this page in the Clinician Area). You can also quickly copy and paste clinical notes from OSI into your ERS.
Question: How long can I use OSI for in my service?
Answer: Currently, OSI is free for services to use until at least December 2023, after which point, there may be a cost. We will be prioritising keeping this cost affordable for teams and there will be no obligation to continue using OSI in your service.