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Frequently Asked Questions about the STAR-CAT study for clinical services.


What is the STAR-CAT study?

What is the study trying to find out?

What is the timeline for the study?

Who has approved the study?

Taking part in the STAR-CAT study

What type of services can be involved in the STAR-CAT study?

For participating services, what would be involved?

Who can deliver treatment as part of STAR-CAT?

I work in a suitable service – how can I get involved?

Is there a deadline for interested sites to email over the Feasibility Form?

What can treatment as usual be?

How long after randomisation does treatment need to start?

Do patient records need to stay open for the duration of the STAR-CAT trial?

Which families in our service can participate in STAR-CAT?

Is there a minimum recruitment target for sites?

What support is available for services taking part in STAR-CAT?

What is a Principal Investigator (PI)? 


What is OSI-A?

What training will clinicians receive for OSI-A?

What is the evidence base for OSI?

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for families

What are the inclusion criteria for families?

What are the exclusion criteria for families?

Can children and/or parents with mild or moderate learning difficulties take part?

If children have ADHD, in addition to autism/suspected autism, are they suitable for trial?

If the child has had previous self-harm/suicidal ideation, but it is not current, would they be suitable for the trial?

What level of social care involvement means the family cannot take part in the trial?

Is there any support available to families who have limited access to the internet?

What is the screening questionnaire that families complete?