OSI is being used across a range of ongoing research studies.
Minimising Young Children’s Anxiety Through Schools (MY-CATS)
My-CATS is working with children aged 4-7 years and their parents/carers from across England, to testing out whether OSI might benefit by helping young children build confidence and to reduce future problems with anxiety.
Child Anxiety Treatment in the Context of COVID-19 (Co-CAT)
Co-CAT sets out to test whether OSI works as well as what children’s mental health services are otherwise offering to help children with anxiety problems throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It involves families of children aged 5-12 years old who are referred to services for treatment for anxiety problems and their parents/carers.
Identifying Child Anxiety Through Schools – Identification to Intervention (iCATS-i2i)
iCATS is working with parents, children, school staff and others to test out whether screening for anxiety problems in primary schools and offering OSI can reduce the number of children who experience anxiety problems. iCATS involves children in Key Stage 2 and their parents from primary schools across England.